Tuesday, July 22, 2008

On being an SL escort

I am finding increasinly that I am meeting people (in the clubs no less) who turn their nose up at me for being what I am... Now it's not my problem if someone doesn't like me; (it seems to me that I don't need a morality lesson everytime I proposition someone!) it did however open the doors to some interesting topics of discussion about life and love.

Let me say this right off the bat.....I love my job! I love the hunt and being hunted, I love to dance and wear sexy clothes or none at all....I love saying and doing things that others might consider taboo...and most of all....I love sex and lots of it! That being said the question I most often get from the naysayers is why, if I love it so much I just don't do it for free.

I am not looking for any sort of attachment to anyone in sl, I've had my share of hurts (show me someone who hasn't)..... I am in the world to have fun pure and simple. Every time I've seen drama, it's invariably because someone's getting their real feelings tangled up in things and taking things much too seriously...why would I want to do that to myself and the people around me? Taking clients instead of lovers allows me to sleep with anyone I'm attracted to who shares my attraction and keeps the rules of engagement simple and to the point. We're going to have fun for as long as you want to pay for and when it's done neither of us owes the other anything else.

So stop trying to get into my head instead of my pants now willya?

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